N.C. 2000 + Literacy/Numeracy
Automatic reports + targets
Easy data transfer between versions + to and from other databases
Buy 2  versions and SAVE £25!

Click on the right to download the program file to your computer.

Save the file (which is called nst6demoprog.zip) to a suitable folder.
Use an archive program (e.g. WinZip) to "unzip" this file to a temporary folder e.g. temp.
When you have "unzipped" the files, open up this temporary folder on your PC by  clicking twice on the folder name:

Make sure your Psion 5 is connected to your PC, then click twice on nstore6demo to start automatic installation. When prompted (as below) just click Next to install Nstore to its default drive (C:[Internal]):

The program and files will now be installed  and the transfer process  will be shown on screen
The program files are automatically installed in the folder C:\system\apps\nstore6. 
The Teacher Comment, Literacy, Numeracy and National Curriculum files are copied into the folders C:\nst6file\comments and C:\nst6files\newnatcu.
Some sample pupil files are also provided, and are stored in C:\nst6file\2knsdata.You may like to experiment with these before creating your own files, using Custom Setup.
When the transfer has finished you should see this message:

Click on Finish to end the installation.


Once you've seen how much time Nstore could save you, we hope you'll want to order a full copy.

This only costs £49.95 including a site licence, and
full details are provided in the demonstration program help window.
Don't forget you can buy the PC version for only £25 if you buy it at the same time as the Psion 5 version.